About Us

A New Standard in Wealth Management

When it comes right down to it, far too many “financial advisors” are in the business of selling products, not serving you.

We take a different approach. Every decision we make is measured against how well it helps you achieve your goals. Our interests are aligned.  We’re here to do what’s right for you.

That’s not just a promise.  It’s our business model. We are fiduciaries, which means we have enthusiastically accepted the highest legal standard to act in your best interests at all times.

One of the best ways we demonstrate this simple, straightforward promise? We call it “eating our own cooking.” We follow the same investment approach we recommend to our clients every day.

We are:

We don’t expect you just to take our word for it. We’re here to provide as much information as you need to make confident, informed decisions about your money and your future. We work with you, side-by-side, so you feel fully up-to-speed and in the loop on the best way to achieve your goals.

Your future – and even your financial security – is about more than just investments. It’s about helping you craft a plan to protect what’s yours and manage risk across your entire financial life. We look at taxes, insurance, trusts, Social Security and charitable giving. We get to know any business or interests you may own, integrating and balancing these critical aspects into your overall financial plan.

Our investment philosophy is built on the idea that making investment decisions based on decades of peer-reviewed research is far better than relying on the latest “hot tip” from media pundits. We review the research and we take it to heart – putting the science of investing to work on behalf of our clients every day.

We don’t hide any costs, anywhere. Our fees are always fully discussed and disclosed up front. No commissions. No kickbacks. That’s how it works. The way we serve our best interests is by recommending what’s best for yours.


We adhere to the highest ethical standards in our industry. As registered investment advisers we have accepted the highest legal standard - the fiduciary standard - to act in your best interests at all tiems. We have also one of 1,100 firms globally that has adopted the CFA Asset Manager Code of Conduct, which sets the standards for conduct in the asset management professions. We promise to only do what is right for you.


Not all advisors are created equal. When you work with Poinciana, you receive institutional quality advise. Our investment professionals hold some of the top profesional credentials in the industry, including the CFA, CFP,and/or PFS designations.



Our philosophy is simple. We want to get to know you in order to help you make the best decisions possible.

As a firm, our focus is to understand your goals and develop a plan to reach them. We will meet with you to present an analysis and discuss our recommendations. Together, we implement the recommendations and monitor your progress. From here, we will plan regular meetings with you to assess the progress toward your goals and, when necessary, we will make adjustments to your financial plan.

Because there are many factors that may change in your situation or the environment, it’s of the utmost importance to us to be proactive and knowledgeable in the financial industry. We are committed to staying up-to-date on relevant tax, estate and social security laws in order to provide you with the best financial advice for your particular situation.